Comedy • Politics • Preparedness
The 2nd Amendment is clearly not for hunting. It was designed to use it, or lose it. Get your targets now at 2ACC.org and train properly. We believe in an unrestricted 2nd Amendment, a Carbon Copy of its original form. #2ACC
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We are no harm to ourselves or anyone else, and don’t condone or promote violence in any way.

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Sean Penn said, "President Trump is an enemy of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and every new child born. An enemy of mankind…. an enemy of the state.”

I'm thinking that him being picked for the main role of "I Am Sam" was an embarrassment and a total disgrace to his career. Picking a retarded person like him to play a mentally challenged person is making fun of special needs people. #TheBeardedPatriots #DonaldTrump #SeanPenn

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January 11, 2025
Sodom and Gomorrah 2025

This is a scene from the 2025 Los Angeles fires. You can't celebrate the same sin God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for and expect a different result (Genesis 19:24-25). There's nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

December 04, 2024
UnitedHealth CEO Assassinated

UnitedHealth CEO Brian Thompson assassinated on video. Notice the shooter has a suppressed pistol that keeps jamming, no gloves, shoots in an Isosceles stance from a distance. None of which indicate a professional assassin.

November 26, 2024
Richard A. DelGaudio P.S.A.

I’m posting this Public Service Announcement, that I, nor 2ACC, or 2A Citizens are in no way affiliated with Richard A. DelGaudio, or any of his organizations.

I was a guest speaker at an event his Conservative Christian Center hosted, and have emailed him multiple times to remove my photo and information, as I want no part of anything he’s involved with.

Sealed records are not so sealed.

May 24, 2024
Ep.35 - Trump Rally In The Bronx

The massive turnout for the Trump Rally In The Bronx NY proves he is the candidate of hope. People of all backgrounds and political affiliations stood in solidarity to show unified support for who they are voting for in 2024. Hopefully, it will be too big to rig. #2ACC

Ep.35 - Trump Rally In The Bronx
May 03, 2024
Ep.34 - Pray For Biden

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are going about tis all wrong. Let us pray for Joe Biden in accordance with Psalms 109:8 (kjv). Also, Ron DeSantis is signing laws to make Florida even greater. What’s really happening with the illegal immigration infestation. Is it Deuteronomy 28:43 playing out right before our very eyes?

Ep.34 - Pray For Biden
March 22, 2024
Ep.33 - TEXIT

Is it possible for Texas to secede from the united States? Governor Greg Abbot is exploring all options to do so. If that happens, will other states follow suit? Most corrupt players in sports, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson shows his true blue colors and folds to a 1.2 trillion dollar budget and gives democrats everything they asked for including funding transgender surgery for minors, and abortions. Democrats danced in the aisles, illegal trespassers overpower National Guard, and federal judge grants illegals the right to own firearms while trying to confiscate yours. Is all this Biblical? Deuteronomy 28:43-53.

Ep.33 - TEXIT

Patriot Confederation with John Grosvenor & Billy Painter featuring special guest, Gem Balboa! #TheBeardedPatriots #PatriotConfederation #GemBalboa #RINORemovalProject #Liberty https://www.brighteon.com/0ea11cc4-72d2-491a-a17b-08edf69090f9

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Tonight on Caravan To Midnight with John B Wells: Critical Threat: China Advances with special guest, Matthew Newgent! 10:00 PM Eastern/7:00 PM Pacific Go to https://www.twitch.tv/caravantomidnight or https://onlineradiobox.com/us/whir1230am/?cs=us.whir1230am to listen! #JohnBWells #CaravanToMidnight #TheBeardedPatriots

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Jericho Green - Broke Gavin Newsom asks Congress for $40B to rebuild after L.A. wildfires. #TheBeardedPatriots #JerichoGreen #DonaldTrump #GavinNewsom #LAFires

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